Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sawa Kitta Etches

Sawa Kitta Etches, a.k.a. 橘田咲和 (Etches), was born Thursday, January 27 at 02:19, weighing 3415g, and measuring 52.5cm. Sawa and Ayako were both calm, happy and healthy. Ayako says more dazed than calm. More photos from the hospital are here.

If you want to understand the meaning of her name, the short story is that Sa means blossom and Wa means harmony, or peace, or Japanese style.  Kitta means mandarin orange-rice paddy. Kitta is Ayako’s surname, and Sawa’s middle name in Canada. Her legal name is Japan is the way it’s written above. We wish it were simpler too!

If you want extra details, and animations on how to write it properly, here are the links:

Kitta = 橘田
Sawa = 咲和

Once you follow the links, you’ll need to click on the Chinese characters (called kanji in Japanese) next to the correct reading of those characters, since there are multiple readings for most combinations of characters. I’m afraid that the cost of layered meanings and beauty is complexity. If you see crazy symbols, you may be missing the required fonts.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The washing of the socks

We’re blessed to have friends with little girls who have just outgrown their newborn clothes. Ayako looks like she’s about to explode, so we’re washing the newborn stuff, including this army of socks. Our child will have many feet, apparently.