Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Poo stew

He did it!
We often weigh Sawa before her bath.  Yesterday she weighed 12.6 kg.  It looked like she was finally starting to put on weight after almost 11 months of bouncing around between 12.0 and 12.4 kg.  Today she weighed 12.9 kg.  We should have known something was wrong.

I came armed with a towel to pluck her from the tub where Ayako was playing with her after cleaning her dirty feet, skinned knees, grimy hands and soup-covered face and hair.  But I had to ask, "Whose huge poo is that floating in the tub?"  "Not mine," said Ayako, a bit too smoothly.  "Nothing that size could possibly come from Sawa - it's the size of her arm!" She ignored me.  "She must have just done it," Ayako replied, as though it were physically possible for an 18 month old toddler to drop a log that would do a metamucil-eating lumberjack proud.  As Ayako drained the tub and threw the larger pieces into the toilet, I weighed Sawa again.  12.7 kg.  Only 200 g?!  It looked solid, not foamy, and I'm sure it weighed more.  Perhaps they were both guilty....

Whoever was to blame, one thing was clear: Ayako was now winning the Eau de Toilette Championship with a score of 2-1.  I feel that this should be 2-1.5, since my turn happened to be when I was parenting alone, and I had to clean tub, child, and self single-handedly, like a solo circumnavigator in an Antarctic gale.