Friday, October 31, 2014

Fake ID

We were playing with Apple's Siri and Google Now over dinner with Sawa. She thought it was hilarious, and intentionally spoke gibberish, then we would laugh at the voice recognition errors. Our favorite was "Can I get a fake ID kit?" It seems a bit early for that.

Waking up to Hallowe'en

Sawa is usually hard to raise in the morning. This morning, like she'd just been plugged in, she sat upright, ran off the bed, and  asked "Is it Hallowe'en? I don't hear any ghosts outside... Maybe it isn't Hallowe'en...."

Everyone goes to California

Sawa loved the elephants at the Toronto zoo. She was very unhappy when they left for a sanctuary in California. We explained that that is where Grampa and Jill live, and they'd be happy there. We are pretty sure she thinks they live in the same house. On our last visit to the zoo, when animals retreated from public space Sawa would ask questions like "Did the giraffes go to California too?"

Learning to read

Sawa is learning to read. We were pleased about that. Then, this morning, she asked for the shoes that were hidden in the box labelled "shoes" high up on the shelf. "It says shoes!" she told us.