Friday, October 31, 2014

Everyone goes to California

Sawa loved the elephants at the Toronto zoo. She was very unhappy when they left for a sanctuary in California. We explained that that is where Grampa and Jill live, and they'd be happy there. We are pretty sure she thinks they live in the same house. On our last visit to the zoo, when animals retreated from public space Sawa would ask questions like "Did the giraffes go to California too?"

Learning to read

Sawa is learning to read. We were pleased about that. Then, this morning, she asked for the shoes that were hidden in the box labelled "shoes" high up on the shelf. "It says shoes!" she told us.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hallowe'en 2013

We worked really hard to make a costume for Sawa. She has a favourite movie about a young witch named Kiki that leaves home at 13 according to tradition, but she doesn't know any spells so she starts a flying delivery service on her broom. We got just the right black dress, hair ribbon, broom, and her grandmother sewed an amazing stuffed version of her tiny black cat named Jiji. But Sawa decided to be an elephant.

She went trick-or-treating at daycare this morning with a lot of princesses and lions.  She came home with a prized hoard, and when I hid half of it, she knew immediately, and has been cross-examining us ever since.  Like last year, it was raining, and we didn't go house-to-house in the evening.

We also carved pumpkins on the weekend in the form of characters from My Neighbour Totoro, another late 1980s Studio Ghibli animation that Sawa can recite. They are melting into goo on the dining table and hatching fruit flies.

If you look very closely, you might notice that Sawa has a fat lower lip.  That's the only indication that she fell Tuesday night as she was getting into bed, and put her teeth through her lower lip. She got the wound glued closed at Sick Kids at one in the morning. We thought briefly that she might make a good zombie, with facial wounds and blood-soaked pyjamas, but she healed too well and the blood came out of everything in the wash.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A toddler's life in verbs

Sawa spoke more English than Japanese until September, when she enrolled at Ikebata Nursery School. Now she speaks mostly in Japanese, but understands a lot of English. She has also taken a fancy to "Si c'était vrais?", a wonderful translation of the nativity story "Can it be true?" by Hill and Barrett, and now calls whales baleine.

At first Sawa learned mostly Japanese nouns. But now she's picking up verbs incredibly quickly, as well as the occasional adjective. This is both annoying and impressive, because I've been struggling to add verbs to my Japanese for a long time.

Here's a reasonably comprehensive list of Japanese verbs Sawa uses.

Akeru - to open
Aru - to have
Aruku - to walk
Asobu - to play
Butsukeru - to collide
Deru - to go out
Hashiru - to run
Iku - to go
Iru - to be
Iu - to say
Kaeru - to return
Kasu - to lend/share
Katazukeru - to put away
Kowareru - to break
Kuru - to come
Matsu - to wait
Miru - to look
Nageru - to throw
Naku - to cry
Nakusu - to put away/lose
Neru - to sleep
Nomu - to drink
Noru - to ride
Nugu - to remove
Ochiru - to fall
Okiru - to wake up
Oriru - to descend
Owaru - to end
Shimeru - to close
Suru - to do
Suwaru - to sit
Taberu - to eat
Tatsu - to stand
Tobu - to fly
Toru - to get
Yameru - to stop

We never got around to posting our previous vocabulary list, but here it is, last updated approximately August 17, which is when we could no longer maintain a complete vocabulary list - it was growing too quickly.  Sorry for the strange formatting.

WordPronounciationLanguageMeaningFrequency @2012-05-08Frequency @2012-08-17
all doneawdunEnglishI've finished eating (or occasionally other actions)Common
appleappoEnglishapple, but likely also other things tooOccasional
babybabyEnglishbabies, line-drawings with round heads, teddy bears, her favourite teddy bearCommon
ballballEnglishball, anything round or sphericalCommon
berriesbishEnglishberries, especially blueberries or strawberriesCommon
BonobobonoboEnglishher stuffed monkeyNew
boobooEnglishboob, breastCommon
bumgoobum gooEnglishsudocrem zinc ointmentCommon
don't touchdontouchEnglishdon't touch (presumably from daycare)Common
downdown (drawn-out, mimicking daycare scolding)Englishget down, but also simply being up on somethingCommon
EdenEdenEnglishEden (classmate)Occasional
EmmaEmmaEnglishEmma (classmate)Common
EmmaEmmaEnglishbook (maybe because Emma read her books)Common
fishfishEnglishfish, One fish two fish by Dr ZeussCommon
Grampaampa, bum-bumEnglishGrandfatherOccasional
gruntuhm (with clenched fists)Englishpooping, the book "Everybody poops" by Gomi TaroCommon
I don't knowaidon-noEnglishI don't know (where something/someone is)Common
ishe dere?is she there?Englishis she there? (game of where is mama...)Rare
JennyJennyEnglishdaycare teacherNew
JillJillEnglishAunt JillRare
JoshJoshEnglishCousin JoshNew
KeyshawnKeeshawEnglishKeyshawn (classmate)Rare
MiffymimiEnglishMiffy the rabbit (Nijntje by Dick Bruna)Common
moreMoEnglishmore pleaseCommon
night-nightGood nightEnglishgood nightNew
nonoEnglishno, but also just an acknowledgement that you asked a questionVery common
noodlenoonoEnglishnoodles (any kind)Occasional
outoutEnglishlet's go outside, we're going outsideCommonCommon
peek-a-boopeekEnglishEnglish version of inai-inai-baRare
PeteretaEnglishUncle Peter's photoRare
poopooEnglishI pooed (while pulling on pants)New
PouncePow (before meeting mo-mo), Mow (after meeting mo-mo)Englishour cat, cats in generalCommonCommon
roar!roar!Englishroar like a bear (teddy bear, or ice-shaving bear)New
shoesishEnglishshoes or socksCommon
Sophiewowee, dzoweeEnglishCousin SophieCommon
thank youankyou, thank youEnglishthank you, but sometimes pleaseCommon
thatdatEnglishindicating somethingRare
this sideish-aideEnglishthis breast next...New
uh-ohuh-ohEnglishsomething fellCommonCommon
upupEnglishlift me upCommonCommon
waterwawaEnglishdrinking water, bath water, lakes, oceans, puddlesCommonCommon
zoom-zoomzoom-zoomEnglishsomething moving quicklyOccasional
DadaDadaEnglish/JapaneseFather, a Gomi Taro book about a child who loses his father in a department storeOccasionalCommon
SiduSidu, but increasingly DonnaEritreanSidona (classmate; also black people in general, sadly)Common
atsuhatsu (with blowing, as though cooling hot food)Japanesehot food, hot stove, hot fire, hot bathCommon
attaattaJapaneseit's thereNew
boo-booboo-booJapaneseonomatopoeia: car, bus, truck, train, a Gomi Taro book about a trainCommon
boon boonboon-boonJapaneseonomatopoeia: airplaneRare
chi-chichi-chiJapaneseonomatopoeia: birdCommon
dozodozoJapaneseplease/kindly/by all means (when offering something)New
HanaHanaJapaneseHana (classmate)Occasional
inaiinaiJapanesenot there (part of peek-a-boo)Formerly common
itaitaJapanese[person] is [here]Occasional
JijiJijiJapaneseGrandfather, but maybe also computer (due to video chat)Common
kingyoingyoJapanesegoldfish, a book about a goldfish that camouflages himself while adventuringRare
Moshi-MoshiMo-moJapaneseGrampa and Jill's catCommon
norinoniJapanesenori (green algae sheets used as condiment, wrapper)Occasional
ohesoohesoJapanesebelly buttonNew
oishiiOissiiJapanesedelicious (but we aren't sure if she knows the meaning)Rare
SawaAwa, wawaJapaneseSawaWhen prompted
wanwanwawaJapaneseonomatopoeia: dog, a book about animalsCommonCommon
SashaSashaRussianSasha (classmate)Rare

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sawa counts!

Who knew? Either she's learning to count at daycare, or she's possessed by a demon that likes to count and giggle.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sawa goes to the movies

Sawa loves cell-phone videos.  She never tires of videos of herself playing with Sophie-Clare or with her cousins. We recently introduced Sawa to nature videos.  She loves them too, and it's a great way to keep her still while I blow-dry her hair.

We were briefly terrorized by constant demands for Zou-san (Mr Elephant).  Then I found she loves snakes and sharks.  Apparently these fears are learned.

Sawa enjoys choosing the next video from the thumbnail images.  Recently we did snakes and birds. She chooses very quickly and according to mysterious criteria. (These images were all chosen by Sawa from the BBC animal video archive.)

The documentary Babies by French director Thomas Balmès had her in a trance and she's been demanding it ever since. The BBC Neanderthal video that featured cave floors, not so much.  Sometimes she laughs, including at a charmed snake that kept lunging for its handler's knee, and at a colony of hopping puffins on the Farne Islands. Sometimes we have arguments, like when she insisted that seals are dogs, and that black vultures are elephants.  She wins, of course.


Last year Sawa was delighted to be a mouse, and went door-to-door.  This year she was a very reluctant lion, and went to bed hungry.  She hated the hood and wore it only briefly at the daycare where they did trick-or-treating.  After daycare we went out for dinner to leave time for meeting our neighbours.  But Sawa was feeling out of sorts, so we left the pizzeria the way the Americans left Vietnam, padded home through the cold rains from Hurricane Sandy, and put Sawa to bed. Then we carved a pumpkin, which she enjoyed tonight.