Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Spine... still there

Our local clinic wanted to practice nuchal translucency scans, so we had another one this week. Always fun to check in on the creature and see what it’s getting up to. Boy does it like to dance around! More early pictures.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Spine... check

The creature sucks it’s thumb already?! This was the first nuchal translucency scan. The result was normal. It was moving around a lot, and Ayako was asked to cough to reposition it. It bounced around like a pin-ball. Ayako has started apologizing to her belly when she coughs or sneezes. More early pictures.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Small is beautiful

If you find squirmy little things found under rocks beautiful, that is. But there it is. Today’s scan was to find out how many there were, and where they were implanted. Answers: just one, and right where it should be. But how could something so small cause so much nausea and exhaustion? More early pictures.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Think positive

Really?! We thought this cycle was a dud. Interesting birthday present for me. The pencil sketch shows Ayako’s memory of her left ovary ultrasound from before ovulation. The left fallopian tube was assumed blocked after investigation, so either it wasn’t blocked, or this was a very determined egg and it took the long route.

I’m actually cheating, and filling in a bit of backstory. It’s already September 2.